English Short Stories Notes In Pdf | One Act Plays

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Something To Talk About English One-Act Plays Reference to Context In Pdf

Reference: – 

These highly attributed, well cherished, and unexcelled lines of the masterpiece “Something to Talk about” originated by the pen of Phillpotts.

Context: – 

This light comedy portrays the life of Sydneys who wanted something unusual to break the routine “Wedding and funerals” and provide them some fun and entertainment. So Sydney’s behave so leisurely, politely, sincerely, confidently, and cleverly that the “Cat Burglar” becomes bewildered on being treated with such respect. And owing to such funny behavior, Syudneys succeeded to get rid of “Terror of England”. 

Explanation: –

Note: The lines in brackets could be added to the beginning of the explanation of every stanza. 

(These witty lines are full of wit, vitality, verve, and vigor. These jokes show the mastery and command of the playwright on the language.


The theme of this funny play lies in the last laughing remarks of Redclvester “Something to talk about at last” and comedy lies mainly in “the tables turned”

English One Act Plays Something To Talk About Short Questions & Answers
  1. Who gets the unexpected treatment, the Sydneys or Wolf? (OR) 
  2. Why do the Sydneys behave so nicely with the burglar? (OR) 
  3. What type of life did Sydney lead? (OR)
  4. Draw the character sketch of Gay Sydney? (OR) 
  5. Draw the character sketch of Lettice? (OR) 
  6. Draw the character sketch of Bishop? (OR) 
  7. How did Bishop defeat the plan, Wolf? (OR) 
  8. How did Bishop get back the Christmas gifts from Wolf? (OR) 
  9. How does Bishop in ‘Something to Talk About’ save Christmas gifts? (OR) 
  10. How do the Sydneys get their precious possessions, Coll, back from Wolf? (OR) 
  11. Describe the role played by Uncle Bishop in the play. (OR) 
  12. Wolf in “Something to talk about” is a “Sheep in Wolf’s clothing.” Discuss. (OR) 
  13. Why is the robber in “Something to Talk About” compelled to remark while addressing Bishop, you might be one of us yourself?

A Single Multi-Answer For The Bear All Important Questions
(You can write this answer for every Question about Something To Talk About One-Act Play)

This light comedy portrays the life of the rich Sydneys who wanted something unusual to break the routine “Wedding and funerals” and provide them some fun and entertainment. So Sydney’s behave so leisurely, politely, sincerely, confidently, and cleverly that the “Cat Burglar” becomes bewildered on being treated with such respect. And owing to such funny behavior, Sydneys succeeded to get rid of the “Terror of England”.

Sydney is a peaceful and law-abiding people. They are sincere and truthful in the business of their daily life. They do not believe in betraying or leg-pulling of others. They all are mild, meek, and modest.

Guy Sydney, son of Lord Rochester, is wearing pajamas and slippers. He is as civil as intelligent, tactful, and clever. He trapped and tamed Wolf first of all.

Lettice Sydney is a pretty girl of attractive manners. Sydney calls her a communist and an anarchist. She is fond of reading novels about crimes. She also trapped and tamed Wolf with her girlish pull, “Oh! How brave of him! How thrilling! How d’you do?” and “he’s tried so harder, papa. It’ll ruin this Christmas if he fails.”

Bishop (Charles), brother of Lord Rochester, is a clever character and rescuer of Sydneys’ trouble. He told Wolf that a very rich family of Lord Wallaby lived in the neighborhood. They would be dining with them the next night. He could easily rob their house in their absence collecting a much larger fortune than he had had from the Sydney family. In class this spot, Wolf became happy and said “you might be one of us”. He returns all the jewelry to the Sydneys and goes away with his planning of robbing Lord Wallaby. Thus Uncle Bishop plays a very vital role. In this way, he also proves that Wolf was 

a “Sheep in Wolf’s clothing”.

This witty play is full of wit, vitality, verve, and vigor. This shows the mastery and command of the playwright on the language. The theme of this funny play lies in the last laughing remarks of Rochester “Something to talk about at last” and comedy lies mainly in “the tables turned”.

English One Act Plays Notes Something To Talk About Summary In Urdu Translation

یہ ہلکی مزاحیہ ان امیر سڈنیز کی زندگی کی تصویر کشی کرتی ہے جو معمول کے “شادی اور جنازوں” کو توڑنے اور انہیں کچھ تفریح ​​اور تفریح ​​فراہم کرنے کے لئے کچھ غیر معمولی چیز چاہتے تھے۔ لہذا سڈنی کا اتنا فرصت ، شائستگی ، خلوص ، اعتماد اور چالاکی کے ساتھ برتاؤ کیا گیا کہ “کیٹ برگلر” اس طرح کے احترام کے ساتھ سلوک کرنے پر حیرت زدہ ہوجاتا ہے۔

سڈنی ایک پرامن اور قانون پسندی کے حامل افراد ہیں۔ وہ اپنی روز مرہ زندگی کے کاروبار میں مخلص اور سچے ہیں۔ وہ دوسروں کو دھوکہ دینے یا ٹانگیں کھینچنے میں یقین نہیں رکھتے ہیں۔ یہ سب معتدل ، شائستہ اور معمولی ہیں۔

لارڈ روچسٹر کے بیٹے گائے سڈنی نے پجاما اور چپل پہن رکھی ہے۔ وہ اتنا ہی سول ہے جتنا ذہین ، تدبیر ، اور ہوشیار۔ اس نے سب سے پہلے بھیڑیا کو پھنسایا اور انھیں جکڑا۔

لیٹائس سڈنی کشش آداب کی ایک خوبصورت لڑکی ہے۔ سڈنی اسے کمیونسٹ اور انارکیسٹ کہتی ہیں۔ اسے جرائم کے بارے میں ناول پڑھنے کا شوق ہے۔ اس نے بھیولف کو اپنی لڑکی کی طرف کھینچتے ہوئے پھنسایا ، “اوہ! اس کا کتنا بہادر! کتنا سنسنی خیز ہے! تم کیسے کرو گے؟” اور “انہوں نے بہت مشکل سے کوشش کی ہے ، پاپا۔ اگر وہ ناکام ہوئے تو یہ اس کرسمس کو برباد کردے گا۔”

لارڈ روچسٹر کا بھائی بشپ (چارلس) ، ایک چالاک کردار اور سڈنیز کی پریشانی کو بچانے والا ہے۔ اس نے ولف کو بتایا کہ لارڈ والبی کا ایک بہت ہی امیر خاندان محلے میں رہتا تھا۔ وہ اگلی رات ان کے ساتھ کھانا کھا رہے ہوں گے۔ وہ ان کی غیر موجودگی میں آسانی سے ان کے گھر کو لوٹ سکتا تھا جس سے اس نے سڈنی کے کنبے سے کہیں زیادہ خوش قسمتی جمع کی تھی۔ کلاس میں اس جگہ پر ، ولف خوش ہوگیا اور کہا “ہوسکتا ہے آپ ہم میں سے ایک ہو”۔ وہ سارے زیورات سڈنیز کو لوٹاتا ہے اور لارڈ والبی کو لوٹنے کی اپنی منصوبہ بندی سے چلا جاتا ہے۔ اس طرح انکل بشپ ایک بہت ہی اہم کردار ادا کرتے ہیں۔ اس طرح ، اس نے یہ بھی ثابت کیا کہ ولف تھا

ایک “بھیڑیا کے لباس میں بھیڑ”۔

یہ دلچسپ ڈرامہ عقل ، جوش ، جذبے اور زور سے بھرا ہوا ہے۔ اس سے زبان پر ڈرامہ نگاروں کی مہارت اور کمانڈ ظاہر ہوتا ہے۔ اس مضحکہ خیز ڈرامے کا مرکزی خیال روچسٹر کے آخری ہنسنے والے ریمارکس میں ہے “کچھ دیر کے بارے میں بات کرنا ہے” اور مزاحیہ بنیادی طور پر “ٹیبلز کا رخ” میں ہے۔


  1. Draw the character sketch of Wolf. (OR) 
  2. “The rogues and the rulers may both come from the gutter or the rich palace.” Comment. (OR) 
  3. Comment on Wolf’s remark, Wh: “Wolves do change their hair, but not their hearts.” (OR) 
  4. Describe the stir (movement) that Woll, the burglar creates in artif a house where nothing happened?


This light comedy portrays the life of the rich Sydneys who wanted something unusual to break the routine “Wedding and funerals” and provide them some fun and entertainment. So Sydney’s behave so leisurely, politely, sincerely, confidently, and cleverly that the “Cat Burglar” becomes bewildered on being treated with such respect. And owing to such funny behavior, Sydneys succeeded to get rid of the “Terror of England”.

Wolf entered the house of Lord Rochester on Christmas morning at 3. He was clad in the tight-fitting. He had a black cap on his head and a black mask over his eyes. He had an automatic revolver to shoot down anybody. He is wonderful, strange, active, confident, passionate, practical, optimistic, and philosophical.

Lady Redchester’s remark about “criminal class” annoys Wolf. He remarks, “There ain’t criminal classes, any more than virtuous classes. The rogues and the rulers may both come from the gutter or the palace”. Wolf seems right in his philosophy that good or bad persons may belong to any family. When the Bishop advises Wolf to change and become God’s sheep. Wolf remarks, “Wolves do change their hair, but not their hearts”. Perhaps he wants to show that he is a dangerous person. But Bishop, Lettice, and Guy trapped him and proved that Wolf was in fact, a “Sheep in Wolf’s clothing”.


  1. Discuss the play as a comedy. (OR) 
  2. Describe the play as entertainment. (OR) 
  3. Bring out the humor in the play “Something to Talk About” by Phillpotts. (OR) 
  4. “Enjoying in the worst circumstances is a hallmark of the modern generation”, discuss with reference to “Something to Talk About” by Phillpotts. (OR)
  5. Explain the title of the play? (OR)
  6. What impression do you gather from the play about the life of the rich in those days? (OR) 
  7. What is the theme of the play? 


The modern generation of English society leads a boring and artificial life. They are cut off from the mainstream of people. As they have no joy so they try to find delight even in the worst circumstances of life. 

This light comedy portrays the life of the rich Sydneys who wanted something unusual to break the routine “Wedding and funerals” and provide them some fun and entertainment. So Sydney’s behave so leisurely, politely, sincerely, confidently, and cleverly that the “Cat Burglar” becomes bewildered on being treated with such respect. And owing to such funny behavior, Sydneys succeeded to get rid of the “Terror of England”.

1. Guy Sydney merrily says that “We never run away with other men’s wives” and “And any burglars, no fires, nothing but weddings and funerals”. 

2. Rochester humorously says that “this is the most interesting thing that has happened in my family since our third kennel-man ran away with my great aunt, Alicia”. 

3. Lettice humorously says to his father “he’s tried so hard, papa. It’ll ruin his Christmas if he fails.” 

4. Wolf wittily says, “Wolves do change their hair, but not their hearts.”

This witty play is full of wit, vitality, verve, and vigor. These jokes show the mastery and command of the poet on the language. The theme of this funny play lies in the last laughing remarks of Rochester “Something to talk about at last” and comedy lies mainly in “the tables turned”.

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