Images And Impression Poem Summary Questions Notes

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Images And Impression Poem Text | Autumn Poem Words | Metro: Paris Content | Fog Poem Verses

1. Autumn by T.E. Hulme

A touch of cold in the autumn night 

I walked abroad 

And saw the ruddy moon lean over a hedge 

Like a red-faced farmer. 

I did not stop to speak, but nodded, 

And round about were the wistful stars 

With white faces like town children.

Autumn Poem Summary Questions Notes & Text

Autumn Poem Reference to the Context with Explanation


These lines have been taken from the poem “Autumn” written by T.E. Hulme. 


In this poem, the poet tells us about the appearance of the moon and stars on an autumn night. 


In this poem, the imagist poet T.E Hulme has made his impression by means of metaphors or contrast of one object with the other contrary object. 

He presents a graphic picture of an autumn night. Once he comes out on a cold autumn night. He sees the red moon leaning over a hedge. It looks like a 

red-faced farmer. He is impressed by the panorama and goes ahead. Then he sees the sad stars in the sky. They look like town children with white faces. 


First feelings are always the most natural.

Fog by Carl Sandburg

The fog comes 

On little cat feet. 

It sits looking 

Over the harbour and city rol

On silent haunches 

And then moves on.

Fog Poem Summary Questions Notes & Text

Autumn Poem Reference to the Context with Explanation


These lines have been taken from the poem “Fog” by Carl Sandburg. 


In this poem, the poet tells us about the arrival and departure of fog from a city.


In this poem, the imagist poet Carl Sandburg has made his impression by means of metaphors or contrast of one object with the other contrary object. He gives life and feelings to fog. He says that the fog comes silently like a cat first it sits on its haunches and looks over the harbour and the city. Then it crawls on everything, making the atmosphere mysterious. 


First feelings are always the most natural.

Metro: Paris by Ezra Pound

The apparition of these faces in the crowd; 

Petals on a wet black bough.

Metro: Paris Poem Summary Questions Notes & Text

Autumn Poem Reference to the Context with Explanation–h4


These lines have been taken from the short poem “Metro Paris” by Ezra Pound. 


In this poem, the poet tells us how the crowds of people seem to him at the station of the underground railway in Paris. 


In this poem, the imagist poet Ezra Pound has made his impression by means of metaphors or contrast of one object with the other contrary object. In long hollow cylinder-like station appears to be like a wet black branch and the faces of people look like beautiful petals. 


First feelings are always the most natural.

Images And Impression Poem Important Questions and Answers

  1. Read the poem carefully and comment on the art of the imagist poets with reference to their keen observation of their surroundings, physical and social.
  2. Prepare a list of metaphors, similes, and symbols used by the poets to give vivid shape to their vision
ADP English Poems Images And Impressions Notes, Question, Lectures & Summary | BA/BSc English Notes
Images And Impression Poem Summary Questions Notes

Images And Impression Poem Summary, Theme & Critical Appreciation

Multi-Answer For All The Above Questions

Note: You can write this answer for any question related to the poem Images And Impression!

These three poems are the best examples of the poetic art by imagist poets. Imagism was a poetic movement that flourished in England and America in the early 20th century. It was a reaction against conventional and sentimental poetry and versification. The imagist poetry is free to choose any subject and to create its own rhythm.

These three poems have all the qualities of the imagist poetry. The poets have presented their response to a visual object of sense without any comment and theme. They have made their impression by means of symbols, similes, and metaphors or contrast of one object with the other, unlike objects. For example, the moon has been compared to a red-faced farmer and sad stars to pale faces of town children. Fog has been personified and compared to a cat. Metro has been presented as a long hollow cylinder-like station that appears to be like a wet black branch and the faces of people look like beautiful petals. Ezra Pound has composed this single sentence poem in 18 months. The economy of words in all these poems is very remarkable.

“First feelings are always the most natural.”

Images And Impression Poem Summary Questions Notes
Images And Impression Poem Summary in Urdu

یہ تینوں نظمیں امیجسٹ شاعروں کے شاعرانہ فن کی بہترین نمونہ ہیں۔

امیجزم ایک شعری تحریک تھی جو 20 ویں صدی کے اوائل میں انگلینڈ اور امریکہ میں فروغ پا رہی تھی۔ یہ روایتی اور جذباتی اشعار اور تنوع کے خلاف ردعمل تھا۔

امیجسٹ شاعری کسی بھی مضمون کو منتخب کرنے اور اپنی تال بنانے کے لئے آزاد ہے۔

ان تینوں اشعار میں امیجسٹ شاعری کی ساری خصوصیات ہیں۔ شاعروں نے کسی بھی تبصرہ اور تھیم کے بغیر اپنے ردعمل کو بصیرت کے احساس کے سامنے پیش کیا ہے۔

انہوں نے علامتوں ، مثلثوں ، اور استعاروں کے ذریعہ یا کسی چیز کے دوسرے شے کے برعکس اشیاء کا اپنا تاثر قائم کیا ہے۔

مثال کے طور پر ، چاند کا موازنہ ایک سرخ چہرے والے کسان اور اداس ستاروں سے کیا گیا ہے جو شہر کے بچوں کے پیلے چہرے کا سا ہے

دھند ایک شخص کے ساتھ مشابہت اور ایک بلی کے مقابلے کیا گیا ہے۔ میٹرو کو ایک لمبی کھوکھلی سلنڈر نما اسٹیشن کے طور پر پیش کیا گیا ہے جو گیلی کالی شاخ کی طرح دکھائی دیتا ہے اور لوگوں کے چہرے خوبصورت پنکھڑیوں کی طرح دکھائی دیتے ہیں۔

عذرا پاؤنڈ نے 18 مہینوں میں یہ ایک ہی جملہ نظم تیار کیا ہے۔ ان تمام نظموں میں الفاظ کی معیشت بہت قابل ذکر ہے۔

“پہلے احساسات ہمیشہ فطری ہوتے ہیں۔”

Topic list

  • Images And Impression poem questions and answers
  • Autumn poem theme
  • Autumn poem summary in Urdu
  • Images And Impression poem figures of speech
  • Images And Impression poem in English
  • Images And Impression poem pdf
  • Fog poem critical appreciation
  • Fog And Impression poem explanation line by line
  • Fog poem meaning
  • Metro: Paris poem text
  • Images And Impression poem words
  • Images And Impression poem activities
  • Metro: Paris poem poetic devices

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Images And Impression Poem Summary Questions Notes

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