Politics Poem Summary Questions Theme PDF Notes Text

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POLITICS by W.B. Yeats

Politics Poem Text | Politics Poem Words | Content | Verses

How can I, that girl standing there,

My attention fix

On Roman or on Russian

Or on Spanish politics,

Yet here’s a travelled man that knows

What he talks about,

And there’s a politician

That has both read and thought,

And maybe what they say is true

Of war and war’s alarms,

But O that I were young again

And held her in my arms.

Politics Poem Summary Questions Theme PDF Notes Text

Politics Poem Explanation Line by Line | Politics Poem Explanation With Quotes

In our time the destiny of man presents its meaning in political terms. — THOMAS MANN.

Lines 0-0

The poet says that according to Thomas Mann, in modern times, the destiny of a nation depends on its politics. The poet does not reject this fact fully but prefers love. 

  • How can I, that girl standing there, 
  • My attention fix
  • On Roman or Russian?
  • Or on Spanish politics? 

Lines 1-4

The poet says that he sees a young girl standing in front of him. He is impressed by her beauty. He says that in the presence of such a climbing girl, he can not concentrate on “Roman or Russian or Spanish Politics”.

  • Yet here’s a traveled man that knows 
  • What he talks about, 
  • And there’s a politician 
  • That has read and thought, 

Lines 5-10

The poet is listening to the cunning traveler and politician who are prophesying war. The poet says that maybe they are true in their forethought but these opinions are inferior in front of love. 

  • And maybe what they say is true 
  • Of war and war’s alarms, 
  • But O that I were young again 
  • And held her in my arms!

Lines 11-12

According to the poet, the young girl is more than any other matter of the world. That’s why he wishes to be young again and to embrace her in his arms. 


Politics is something changing while love is a constant thing. So the poet discards politics in favour of love and beauty.

Politics Poem Reference to the Context with Explanation


These lines have been taken from the poem “Politics” written by W.B. Yeats. 


In this poem, the poet has come to the conclusion that politics is too serious a matter to be left to the politicians. According to him, love is the sole lord of life and death. Youth and love are the cream of life and the world of politics is tiresome. So he wishes to be young to go to the girl standing at a distance and love her.


Note: The lines in brackets could be added to the beginning of the explanation of every stanza.

(This non-serious, light, and humorous poem is criticism of the narrow-mindedness of the old people as well as political distribution of the world. Love conquers all things and the hunger for love is much more difficult to remove than the hunger for pelf, power and politics.) 

Politics Poem Important Questions and Answers

  1. Discuss the poem as a contrast between politics and love. 
  2. Why does the poet wish to be young again?
  3. “In our times the destiny of man presents its meaning in the political term” Explain “Politics” by W.B Yeats in the light of Mann’s given comments.
  4. W.B. Yeats does not underestimate politics nor does he reject it. Elaborate 
  5. In “Politics” political reality is not denied but questioned in the face of the reality of love. Discuss. 
BA English Poems "Politics" Notes, Important Question, Lectures & Summary | BSc/ADP English Notes
Politics Poem Summary Questions Theme PDF Notes Text

Politics Poem Summary, Theme & Critical Appreciation

Multi-Answer For All The Above Questions

Note: You can write this answer for any question related to the poem Politics!

In this poem, the poet has come to the conclusion that politics is too serious a matter to be left to the politicians. According to him, love is the sole lord of life and death. Youth and love are the cream of life and the world of politics is tiresome. So he wishes to be young to go to the girl standing at a distance and love her.

The theme of this poem is a contrast between politics and love. The poet says that according to Thomas Mann, in modern times, the destiny of a nation depends on its politics. The poet does not reject this fact fully but prefers love. Politics is something changing while love is a constant thing. Politics teaches us how to lead a successful life but love forces man to live. The poet has never denied the reality of politics but stressed upon the reality of youth, love, and beauty.

This non-serious, light, and humorous poem is a criticism of the narrow-mindedness of the old people as well as the political distribution of the world. Love conquers all things and..,

“The hunger for love is much more difficult to remove than the hunger for pelf, power, and politics.”

Politics Poem Summary Questions Theme PDF Notes Text

These are some other questions that may be important according to the examination.

  • What does the girl symbolize?


1st Para of Multi Answer + The girl standing there symbolizes youth and beauty. She offers a better alternative to the world of politics and wars. The world of power politics appears meaningless before her beautiful face. + 3rd Para of Multi Answer.

Politics Poem Summary in Urdu

اس نظم میں ، شاعر اس نتیجے پر پہنچا ہے کہ سیاست اتنا سنگین معاملہ ہے کہ اسے سیاستدانوں پر چھوڑ دیا جائے۔ ان کے بقول ، زندگی ہی موت اور زندگی کا واحد مالک محبت ہے۔

جوانی اور محبت زندگی کی کریم ہیں اور سیاست کی دنیا تھکا دینے والی ہے۔ لہذا وہ جوان ہونے کی خواہش کرتا ہے کہ وہ فاصلے پر کھڑی لڑکی کے پاس جائے اور اس سے پیار کرے۔

اس نظم کا مرکزی خیال سیاست اور محبت کے مابین ایک تضاد ہے۔ شاعر کہتے ہیں کہ تھامس مان کے مطابق ، جدید دور میں ، کسی قوم کی تقدیر اس کی سیاست پر منحصر ہوتی ہے۔

شاعر اس حقیقت کو پوری طرح مسترد نہیں کرتا بلکہ پیار کو ترجیح دیتا ہے۔ سیاست کچھ ایسی تبدیل ہوتی ہے جب کہ پیار مستقل چیز ہے۔ سیاست ہمیں سکھاتی ہے کہ کامیاب زندگی کیسے گزارنی ہے لیکن محبت انسان کو جینے پر مجبور کرتی ہے۔

شاعر نے سیاست کی حقیقت سے کبھی انکار نہیں کیا بلکہ جوانی ، محبت اور خوبصورتی کی حقیقت پر زور دیا ہے۔

یہ غیر سنجیدہ ، ہلکی پھلکی ، اور مزاحیہ نظم دنیا کی سیاسی تقسیم کے ساتھ ساتھ بوڑھے لوگوں کی تنگ نظری کی بھی تنقید ہے۔ محبت ہر چیز کو فتح کرلیتی ہے۔

“محبت کی بھوک کو دور کرنا زیادہ مشکل ہے ، بھوک ، طاقت اور سیاست کی بھوک سے زیادہ۔”

Topic list of Politics Poem Summary Questions Theme PDF Notes Text;

  • Politics poem questions and answers
  • Politics poem theme
  • Politics poem summary in Urdu
  • Politics poem figures of speech
  • Politics poem in English
  • Politics poem pdf
  • Politics poem critical appreciation
  • Politics poem explanation line by line
  • Politics poem meaning
  • Politics poem text
  • Politics poem words
  • Politics poem activities
  • Politics poem poetic devices

Watch this Politics video lecture for the easy preparation of BA English Poems

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