Tartary Poem Summary|Questions|Theme|PDF Notes|Text

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2. TARTARY by Walter de la Mare

Tartary Poem Text | Tartary Poem Words | Content | Verses

If I were Lord of Tartary.

Myself and me alone,

My bed should be of ivory;

Of beaten gold my throne;

And in my court should peacocks flaunt

And in my forests tigers haunt,

And in my pools great fishes slant

Their fins athwart the sun.

If I were Lord of Tartary

Trumpeters everyday

To every meal would summon me,

And in my courtyard bray;

And in the evening lamps would shine,

Yellow as honey, red as wine,

While harp, and flute, and mandoline,

Made music sweet and gay.

If I were Lord of Tartary.

I’d wear a robe of beads,

White and gold, and green they’d be-

And clustered thick as seeds;

And ere should wane the morning-star,

I’d don my robe and scimitar,

And zebras seven should draw my car

Through Tartary’s dark glades.

Lord of the fruits of Tartary,

Her rivers silver-pale!

Lord of the hills of Tartary,

Glen, thicket, wood, and dale!

Her flashing stars, her scented breeze,

Her trembling lakes, like foamless seas,

Her bird-delighting, citron trees

In every purple vale!

Tartary Poem Explanation Line by Line | Tartary Poem Explanation With Quotes

  • If I were Lord of Tartary,
  • Myself, and me alone,
  • My bed should be of ivory,
  • Of beaten gold my throne;

Lines 1-4

Tartary Poem Summary|Questions|Theme|PDF Notes|Text

If the poet were the ruler of Tartary, he would be the sole shareholder of all powers. His bed would be made of ivory and his throne would be made of pure gold. Here, the poet’s lust for dignity and power is at its peak. 

  • And in my court should peacocks flaunt,
  • And in my forests tigers haunt,
  • And in my pools great fishes slant
  • Their fins thwart the sun.

Lines 5-8

If the poet were the ruler of Tartary, peacocks and tigers would move here and there. Fish would swim in big pools and their bright feathers would shine in the light of the sun. Here, the poet’s lust for dignity and power is at its peak.

  • If I were Lord of Tartary,
  • Trumpeters every day
  • To all my meals should summon me,
  • And in my courtyards bray;

Lines 9-12

If the poet were the ruler of Tartary, the trumpeters would announce the time of his meal. It is a kingly regard that no one can dare to speak to the king. Here, the poet’s lust for dignity and power is at its peak.

  • And in the evening lamps should shine,
  • Yellow as honey, red as wine,
  • While harp, and flute, and mandoline
  • Made music sweet and gay.

Lines 13-16

If the poet were the ruler of Tartary, his servants would enlighten different colored lights such as yellow as honey and red as wine in the evening in the palace. And musicians would play on different kinds of musical instruments like flute, harp, and mandolins and delight him. Here, the poet’s lust for dignity and power is at its peak. 

  • If I were Lord of Tartary,
  • I’d wear a robe of beads,
  • White, and gold, and green they’d be —
  • And small and thick as seeds;

Lines 17-20

If the poet were the lord of Tartary, he would wear a striking dress. It would be decorated with beads of white, golden, and green colors. These pearls would be set on his dress in great quantity. Here, the poet’s lust for dignity and power is at its peak. 

  • And ere should wane the morning star,
  • I’d don my robe and scimitar.
  • And zebras seven should draw my car
  • Through Tartary’s dark glades.

Lines 21-24

If the poet were the ruler of Tartary, he would rise early in the morning and wear his royal dress. He would also put on his royal sword into his belt. His coach would be driven by seven zebras through the green woods of his country. Here, the poet’s lust for dignity and power is at its peak. 

  • Lord of the fruits of Tartary.
  • Her rivers silver-pale!
  • Lord of the hills of Tartary.
  • Glen, thicket, wood, and dale!

Lines 25-28

If the poet were the lord of Tartary, he would be the owner of all the fruits, all the silver-pale rivers, all the pretty colorful hills, small and big forests as well as all the broad and narrow valleys of the Tartary. Here, the poet’s lust for dignity and power is at its peak.

  • Her flashing stars, her scented breeze,
  • Her trembling lakes, like foamless seas,
  • Her bird-delighting citron-trees,
  • In every purple vale! 

Lines 29-32

If the post were the lord of Tartary, he would be the sole owner of all the twinkling stars, sweet-smelling air, lakes, oceans, trees, and chirping birds. Here, the poet’s lust for dignity and power is at its peak. 


The poem is a pure, innocent, and harmless fanciful dream of a happy healthy child. This poem is also a reflection of dictatorship and man’s desire to overpower the universe as well as nature.

Tartary Poem Reference to the Context with Explanation


These lines have been taken from the poem “Tartary” written by Walter De La Mare.


The poem “Tartary” is a fantasy. The poet wants to be the ruler of Tartary where a lot of facilities have been offered to him like kings of the past. Tartary is a paradise-like romantic land, beautiful, rich, fertile, and replete with unheard and unseen delights. In this poem, the poet wants to have all the luxuries of the universe under his thumb.


Note: The lines in brackets could be added to the beginning of the explanation of every stanza.

(This is a reaction to the world of bitter realities. These romantic lines take us into an utterly new world, which is very pretty and beautiful. It is a “brave new world” like one finds in Shakespeare’s “tempest” or S.T. Coleridge’s “Rime of the Ancient Mariner”.) 

Tartary Poem Summary, Theme & Critical Appreciation

  1. What is your opinion is the most fanciful image?
  2. Critically evaluate the poem “Tartary”? 
  3. Explain “Tartary” by Walter De La Mar as a romantic poem? 
  4. The Hero’s dreams are pure, innocent, and unharmful. Elaborate. 
  5. Discuss “Tartary” as a dream of a happy healthy child. 
  6. Draw a picture of “Tartary” in your own words?
BA English Poems, Tartary Summary, Important Question, Answer Lectures & Notes | BSc, ADP Part 1
Tartary Poem Summary|Questions|Theme|PDF Notes|Text

Multi-Answer For All The Above Questions

Note: You can write this answer for any question related to the poem Tartary!

Walter De La Mare is a romantic poet. This romantic poem takes us into an utterly new world, which is very pretty and beautiful. It is a “brave new world” like one finds in Shakespeare’s “tempest” or S.T. Coleridge’s “Rime of the Ancient Mariner”. The poem “Tartary” is a fantasy. This is a reaction to the world of bitter realities. The poet wants to be the ruler of Tartary where a lot of facilities have been offered to him like kings of the past. Tartary is a paradise-like romantic land, beautiful, rich, fertile, and replete with unheard and unseen delights. In this poem, the poet wants to have all the luxuries of the universe under his thumb.

The basic tool of the poet in creating the romantic effect is his dream-like imagery. The bed of ivory, the throne of pure gold, peacocks moving in the palace, tigers roaming in the forest, fish swinging in the bright pools, bugling, slaves, red and yellow lamps, gay music of mandoline, flute and harp, golden and green decorated robes, coach driven by seven zebras through the dark woods, silver pale rivers, high hills, glens, thickets Woods, shining stars, scented air, trembling lakes and bird-delighting citron trees or in purple valleys show the pure, innocent and unharmful fanciful dream of a happy healthy child.

“If you want your dreams to come true, don’t sleep”.

Tartary Poem Summary|Questions|Theme|PDF Notes|Text

Tartary Poem Important Questions and Answers

These are some other questions that may be important according the examination.

Pick out all the color words the poet has used. What effect do these create?

2nd Para of Multi Answer + The colour used in “Tartary” are ivory, beaten gold, bright morning star purple, silver pale, dark glades, white golden and green, yellow as honey and red as wine. When we read this poem, we feel as we are among the world of fairies. These words claim an eyewitness of Tartary. If these words were not used, the picture would remain lifeless. After reading this poem, the reader forgets his worries and charms himself by this panorama. 

What in your opinion is the most fanciful image?


1st Para of Multi Answer + In my opinion, the most fanciful image in this poem is that when he would rise early in the morning and wear his royal dress. He would also put on his royal sword into his belt. His coach would be driven by seven zebras through the green woods of his country. 

Is “Tartary” a desire for Dictatorship?


1st Para of Multi Answer + The poem shows us the unkind darkness that was governed by the rulers of animalistic attitude. They took pleasure in the multicolored nights possessed luxurious courts. Their thrones were majestic. They were the strong lords, whose meals were also celebrated. Gold, servants, regard, music, precious dresses, pearls, potent coach, fruits, pretty colourful hills, valleys, sweet-smelling air, trees, flowers, birds, lakes, oceans, and a lot of other luxuries been offered to them but nowadays modern man shares all these luxuries with their head of state.

As a lord of Tartary, how would he enjoy the splendor of land?


1st Para of Multi Answer + As a lord of Tartary, he would enjoy the bed of ivory, the throne of pure gold, peacocks moving in the palace, tigers roaming in the forest, fish swinging in the bright pools, bugling, slaves, red and yellow lamps, gay music of mandoline, flute and harp, golden and green decorated robes, coach driven by seven zebras through the dark woods, silver pale rivers, high hills, glens, thickets, woods, shining stars, scented air, trembling lakes and bird-delighting citron trees in purple valleys. 

Draw a picture of “Tartary” in your own words.


Re-write the explanation of the whole poem.

Watch this video lecture! BSc/ADP/BA English Poems Tartary Important Question Lecture, Summary

BSc/ADP/BA Poems Tartary Important Question Lecture,Summary|BA English Poems Notes|ADP English Notes
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Tartary Poem Summary in Urdu

والٹر ڈی لا میئر ایک رومانٹک شاعر ہے۔ یہ رومانٹک نظم ہمیں بالکل نئی دنیا میں لے جاتی ہے ، جو بہت خوبصورت اور خوبصورت ہے۔ یہ ایک “بہادر نئی دنیا” ہے جیسے شیکسپیئر کے “طوفان” یا ایس ٹی میں ملتی ہے۔ کولرج کا “قدیم مرینر کا رائم”۔ نظم “تارتری” تخیل ہے۔

یہ تلخ حقیقتوں کی دنیا پر ایک رد عمل ہے۔ شاعر ترتری کا حاکم بننا چاہتا ہے جہاں اسے ماضی کے بادشاہوں کی طرح بہت سی سہولیات کی پیش کش کی گئی ہے۔

ٹارٹری ایک جنت جیسی رومانٹک سرزمین ہے ، خوبصورت ، امیر ، زرخیز ، اور سنا ہوا اور نہ دیکھے ہوئے خوشی اس نظم میں ، شاعر چاہتا ہے کہ کائنات کی ساری آسائشیں اپنے انگوٹھے تلے دب جائیں۔

رومانوی اثر پیدا کرنے میں شاعر کا بنیادی آلہ ان کی خوابوں جیسی نقوش ہے۔ ہاتھی دانت کا بستر ، خالص سونے کا تخت ، محل میں مور چلتا ہے ، جنگل میں گھومتا ہوا شیر ، روشن تالابوں میں مچھلیاں جھول رہا ہے ، بگلے ہوئے ، غلام ، سرخ اور پیلے لیمپ ، مینڈولین کا سملینگک میوزک ، بانسری اور بنو ، سنہری اور سبز رنگ کے سجے ہوئے کپڑے ، تاریک جنگل ، چاندی کے پیلا ندیوں ، اونچی پہاڑیوں ، گلینوں ، جھاڑیوں کی لکڑی ، چمکتے ہوئے ستارے ، خوشبو والی ہوا ، کانپتی جھیلوں اور پرندوں کو خوش کرنے والے لیموں کے درختوں یا جامنی وادیوں میں سات زیبرا کے ذریعے چلنے والا کوچ ، بے قصور اور خوشگوار صحت مند بچے کا غیرمحسوس فرضی خواب۔

“اگر آپ چاہتے ہیں کہ آپ کے خواب پورے ہوں تو ، نیند نہ آئے”۔

Topics List, covered in Tartary Poem Summary|Questions|Theme|PDF Notes|Text

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  • Tartary poem theme
  • Tartary poem summary in Urdu
  • Tartary poem figures of speech
  • Tartary poem in English
  • Tartary poem pdf
  • Tartary poem critical appreciation
  • Tartary poem explanation line by line
  • Tartary poem meaning
  • Tartary poem text
  • Tartary poem words
  • Tartary poem activities
  • Tartary poem poetic devices

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