Hawk’s Monologue Poem Summary Questions Notes Text

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Hawk’s Monologue Poem Text | Hawk’s Monologue Poem Words | Content | Verses

I sit in the top of the wood, my eyes closed.

Inaction, no falsifying dream

Between my hooked head and hooked feet:

Or in sleep rehearse perfect kills and eat.

The convenience of the high trees!

The air’s buoyancy and the sun’s ray

Are of advantage to me;

And the earth’s face upward for my inspection.

My feet are locked upon the rough bark.

It took the whole of Creation

To produce my foot, my each feather:

Now I hold Creation in my foot

Or fly up, and revolve it all slowly –

I kill where I please because it is all mine.

There is no sophistry in my body:

My manners are tearing off heads –

The allotment of death.

For the one path of my flight is direct

Through the bones of the living.

No arguments assert my right:

The sun is behind me.

Nothing has changed since I began.

My eye has permitted no change.

I am going to keep things like this.

Hawk’s Monologue Poem Summary Questions Notes Text

Hawk’s Monologue Poem Explanation Line by Line | Hawk’s Monologue Poem Explanation With Quotes

  • I sit in the top of the wood, my eyes closed. 
  • Inaction, no falsifying dream
  • between my hooked head and hooked feet: 
  • Or in sleep rehearse perfect kills and eat.

Lines 1-4

Hawk says that he is the king of wood. His eyes are closed but he is not inactive even in his inaction. He is doing rehearsal of killing and eating during his dream. 

  • The convenience of the high trees; 
  • The air’s buoyancy and the sun’s ray 
  • Are an advantage to me, 
  • And the earth’s face upward for my inspection.

Lines 5-8

Hawk says that high trees, cheerful air, rays of the sun, and the vast surface of the earth — all these things have been made by God for his ease.

  • My feet are locked upon the rough bark. 
  • It took the whole of creation 
  • To produce my foot, my each feather: 
  • Now I hold Creation in my foot.

Lines 9-12

Hawk says that his feet are fixed on the rough bark of the tree. His class and feathers are perfect from every point of view. Nature has used all its techniques to create them. They are powerful to a great extent, so he can hold any creature in his claws easily. 

  • Or fly up, and revolve it all slowly–
  • I kill where I please because it is all mine. 
  • There is no sophistry in my body: 
  • My manners are tearing off heads–

Lines 13-16

Hawk says that he is the lord of his territory. He can kill any bird he likes to kill. There is no defect in his body. He has an acute skill of tearing off heads. 

  • The allotment of death. 
  • For the one path of my flight is direct 
  • Through the bones of the living. 
  • No arguments assert my right:

Lines 17-20

Hawk says that he is like a death angel. He is as acute as a blade, his fear is bone tearing. Nobody can check his unbridled powers. 

  • The sun is behind me. 
  • Nothing has changed since I began. 
  • My eye has permitted no change. 
  • I am going to keep things like this.

Lines 21-24

Hawk says that even time is his servant. Nothing has changed since he has begun his reign. And he would not allow anything to change. 


There is difference, and there is power. And who holds the power shall decide the meaning of difference.

Hawk’s Monologue Poem Reference to the Context with Explanation


These lines have been taken from the poem “Hawk’s Monologue” written by Ted Hughes.


In this poem, the poet portrays Nature, ‘Red in tooth and claw’. He says that it is excellent to have a giant’s strength. But it is tyrannous To use it like a giant. The poem is a dramatic monologue delivered by the symbolic character hawk who boasts much of his superiority over other birds. He thinks that he is the reason and cause of creation.


Note: The lines in brackets could be added to the beginning of the explanation of every stanza.

(These lines are a true picture of rigidity, inflexibility, arrogance, and pride of the so-called all-powerful. The Underlying idea is realistic and brave as well as brutal about the horror of life and the violence of our time. That bird is accused of being a fascist … the symbol of some horrible dictator. Actually what the poet had in mind was that in this hawk Nature is thinking.)

Hawk’s Monologue Poem Important Questions and Answers

  1. What is the symbolic interpretation (understanding) of the Hawk’s assertion “My manners are tearing off head”?
  2. How would you comment on Hawk’s claim: Now I hold Creation in my foot? 
  3. Why does the hawk boast off? 
  4. How does the hawk look cruel and inhuman?
  5. What does a hawk indicate? 
BA English Poems Hawks Monologue Notes, Important Question, Lectures & Summary|BSc/ADP English Notes
Hawk’s Monologue Poem Summary Questions Notes Text

Hawk’s Monologue Poem Summary, Theme & Critical Appreciation

Multi-Answer For All The Above Questions

Note: You can write this answer for any question related to the poem Hawk’s Monologue!

In this poem, the poet portrays Nature, ‘Red in tooth and claw’. He says that it is excellent to have a giant’s strength. But it is tyrannous to use it like a giant. The poem is a dramatic monologue delivered by the symbolic character hawk who boasts much of his superiority over other birds. He thinks that he is the reason and cause of creation.

Hawk is power drunk. He claims that his claws and feathers are perfect from every point of view. Nature has used all its techniques to create them. They are powerful to a great extent, so he can hold any creature in his claws easily. He can kill any bird he likes to kill. He has an acute skill of tearing off heads. He is as acute as a blade, his fear is bone tearing. Nobody can check his unbridled powers.

The poem is a true picture of rigidity, inflexibility, arrogance, and pride of the so-called all-powerful. The Underlying idea is realistic and brave as well as brutal about the horror of life and the violence of our time. That bird is accused of being a fascist … the symbol of some horrible dictator. Actually what the poet had in mind was that in this hawk Nature is thinking.

“There is difference, and there is power. And who holds the power shall decide the meaning of difference.”

“June Jordan”

Hawk’s Monologue Poem Summary Questions Notes Text

These are some other questions that may be important according to the examination.

  • How does the hawk enjoy the position of advantage? 


1st Para of Multi Answer + Hawk is sitting in a tree higher than other birds. He says that high trees, cheerful air, rays of the sun, and the vast surface of the earth – all these things have been made by God for his ease. Hawk is power drunk. He claims that his claws and feathers are perfect from every point of view. Nature has used all its techniques to create them. They are powerful to a great extent, so he can hold any creature in his claws easily. He can kill any bird he likes to kill. He has an acute skill of tearing off heads. He is as acute as a blade, his fear is bone tearing. Nobody can check his unbridled powers. + 3rd Para of Multi Answer.

  • Does he consider his powers permanent?


1st Para of Multi Answer + 2nd Para Multi Answer + Hawk considers that even time is his servant. Nothing has changed since he has begun his reign. And he would do anything to change. His supremacy and excellence are permanent and are not going to suffer any change. 

  • How is this poem a satire?


1st Para of Multi Answer + 2nd Para of Multi Answer + In fact “Hawk’s Monologue” is a satire on the unlimited power which the dictators of the world enjoy. Actually the all-powerful remain intoxicated till the earth slips from under their feet and they are left with no place to stand on. The seeds of their down fall, death, and destruction lie in their unlimited power.

  • What is the moral of the poem? 


Multi Answer + The moral of the poem is that we should not feel proud of our power and authority. We must be humble and submissive before God, who is the lord of everything.

Hawk’s Monologue Poem Summary in Urdu

اس نظم میں ، شاعر نے فطرت ، دانت اور پنجوں میں سرخ رنگ کی تصویر کشی کی ہے۔ وہ کہتے ہیں کہ دیوہیکل کی طاقت حاصل کرنا بہترین ہے۔ لیکن اسے دیو کی طرح استعمال کرنا ظالم ہے۔

یہ نظم ایک ڈرامائی ایکولوگ ہے جو علامتی کردار ہاک کے ذریعہ پیش کی گئی ہے جو دوسرے پرندوں پر اپنی زیادہ تر برتری حاصل کرتی ہے۔ وہ سوچتا ہے کہ وہ تخلیق کا سبب ہے۔

ہاک پاورکے نشے میں ہے۔ اس کا دعوی ہے کہ اس کے پنجے اور پنکھ ہر نقطہ نظر سے کامل ہیں۔

قدرت نے اپنی تمام تکنیکوں کو ان کو بنانے کے لئے استعمال کیا ہے۔ وہ بڑی حد تک طاقت ور ہیں ، لہذا وہ کسی بھی مخلوق کو آسانی سے اپنے پنجوں میں تھام سکتا ہے۔ وہ جس پرندے کو مارنا پسند کرتا ہے اسے مار سکتا ہے۔

اس کے پاس سر پھاڑنے کی شدید مہارت ہے۔ وہ بلیڈ کی طرح شدید ہے ، اس کا خوف ہڈیوں کے پھاڑ رہا ہے۔ کوئی بھی اس کی بے لگام طاقتوں کی جانچ نہیں کرسکتا۔

یہ نظم نام نہاد تمام طاقتوروں کی سختی ، عدم استحکام ، تکبر اور فخر کی ایک حقیقی تصویر ہے۔

بنیادی نظریہ حقیقت پسندانہ اور بہادر ہونے کے ساتھ ساتھ زندگی کی ہولناکی اور ہمارے وقت کے تشدد کے بارے میں سفاک ہے۔

اس پرندے پر الزام لگایا جاتا ہے کہ وہ ایک فاشسٹ ہے ، کسی خوفناک آمر کی علامت ہے۔ دراصل ، شاعر کے ذہن میں یہ تھا کہ اس ہاک میں فطرت سوچ رہی ہے۔

“فرق ہے ، اور طاقت بھی ہے۔ اور جو طاقت رکھتا ہے وہ فرق کے معنی کا فیصلہ کرے گا۔”

“June Jordan”

Topic list of Hawk’s Monologue Poem Summary Questions Notes Text;

  • Hawk’s Monologue poem questions and answers
  • Hawk’s Monologue poem theme
  • Hawk’s Monologue poem summary in Urdu
  • Hawk’s Monologue poem figures of speech
  • Hawk’s Monologue poem in English
  • Hawk’s Monologue poem pdf
  • Hawk’s Monologue poem critical appreciation
  • Hawk’s Monologue poem explanation line by line
  • Hawk’s Monologue poem meaning
  • Hawk’s Monologue poem text
  • Hawk’s Monologue poem words
  • Hawk’s Monologue poem activities
  • Hawk’s Monologue poem poetic devices

Watch this Hawk’s Monologue video lecture for the easy preparation of BA English Poems

BSc/ADP/BA Poems Hawks Monologue Lecture, Notes, Summary | BA English Poems Important Question
Hawk’s Monologue Poem Summary Questions Notes Text

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